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Hyde Daily Photo Volume 1 (2006-2011) which is now in archive mode. For recent photographs please visit
Hyde Daily Photo Volume 2. Additional material and links to blogger friends can be found at
Hyde DP Xtra.

I recently posted a a photograph of
Brookfold Lane Bridge.
This detailed look at the parapet is taken from the other side.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Gerald England.
In most cases, clicking on the photograph will reveal a larger-sized image.
This photo reminds me of a railroad bridge over one of our busy city streets that always intriques me as I drive by or under it.
Seeing such similarities from distant places seems comforting to me. Thanks for the photo.
I suppose that's rust and not copper.
ha! oh! it's rust Kaz, or it would have been gone long ago to the scrape yard and the money spent in the local pubs for sure.
I know which side of the bridge I like best Gerald.. I have never noticed that before by the way.
its a lovely bridge (i clicked on the one you posted)
Congrats, you're the first to mention that horrendous valet parking price in my Sept. 24 post! It provides reinforcement for my use of mass transportation, wouldn't you say? By the way, that's my mother (Mama) with Duncan--she does look remarkably like her mother, though. She'll get a laugh out of this! Thanks again for visiting Portland (OR) Daily Photo.
It reminds me of a lot of bridges we have here!
beau detail, qui merite un leger ravalement ;o)
beautiful detail, which deserves a light rough-casting ;O)
H Gerald,
I love details , so you cannot make me happier than publice them all, This way I can see how YOU make detailled photo's , I made some detailled photo's too ( of a bridge )
Very well done I like this one, I like your blog very much!.
Thanks for your wonderfull and friendly comments, you're very dear to me:)
JoAnn :)
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