Stuck for a present for Valentine's Day? You might try Frilly Milly's which is next door but one to Bosuns chippie.
They even offer a bra measuring service.
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"Oh you've just reminded me!"
Ha, ha, ha, had to have a little giggle with this one Gerald.
Nice links Geralds, you can propose it for a theme day!
have a nice day there!
Hmmm...so do you belong to the Frilly Milly's Club? And exactly what service would you pay them for on a weekly bases? ;-)))
Bra fitting service, I wonder if they need any more employees, I always wanted a job like that.
voila une boutique tres sympathique ;o) pour feter la saint-valentin.
on attend le resultat du shooping
a shop very sympathetic nerve veiled; O) to celebrate the St. Valentine's day. the result of the shooping is awaited
They'll all be on the next bus to Hyde now.
You were brave to stand in front of the shop taking photos.
I'm speechless.....
Perfect photo for Valentines!
I think that stores are generally more receptive to photographs IF you are a customer too! ;) Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!
Ooh la, la Gerald! Must point out this link to M.Benaut - he will be delighted I'm sure.
This place reminds me of a place in the town where my wife grew up. It was called Rena's Ultra Boutique. It recently went out of business after being open for at least 30 years. It was where all the strippers and transvestites got there "finery".
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