This is Hyde Daily Photo Volume 1 (2006-2011) which is now in archive mode. For recent photographs please visit Hyde Daily Photo Volume 2. Additional material and links to blogger friends can be found at Hyde DP Xtra.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pakistan International Airlines

What is a Pakistan International Airlines plane doing on Hyde DP, I hear you cry?

Remember my picture entitled In over the Low?

Did you see the aeroplane in the sky?

A few seconds later as the plane got nearer I zoomed in on it and this is what my camera captured.


brian stout said...

very nice photo! good capture...

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

A PIA plane arrived at manchester the same time as my flight with ZOOM from Vancouver 2 years ago,
I helped some people of that plane fill in forms to get through customs.
How about a picture of a ZOOM plane, they are blue.
I am flying to Glasgow my next trip in just over a month from now.

ANNA-LYS said...

Good capture of PIA!

Happy Easter Holiday!

Kate said...

Wonderful capture!


May soft gentle breezes brush o'er your face,
For each loving touch is God's warm embrace.
May you have enough for all that you need,
And never be hurt by another one's greed.
The Lord keep you safe from terrible things,
And at the end of this life, lift you up on His wings.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and may the Leprechauns be good to you!

marley said...

Good photo. Well spotted and zoomed in on.

Chadders said...

Good picture!

We call PIA flights "shark planes" since the flight path is almost directly over our house in Hyde and the design of these planes, i.e. the dark blue sweep design which can be seen in the photo going from the engine to the A of PIA, from underneath, looks like a sharks mouth.

In fact, I remember spending ages trying to find out what company actually owned these planes once we'd agreed on the shark planes moniker.

imac said...

Great shot Gerald, looks like you are getting up to speed? lol.

Chris said...

Very interesting! Good capture, Gerald.

Nikon said...

You must have a very good lens and/or image stabilization to get that so sharp?
Nice shot, anyway!

Destitute Rebel said...

Nice shot, The tail has a pattern on it, Pakistan tourism and development corporation along with PIA a running a campaign called "PIA & Pakistan- cultural unity in diversity" Every plave has a different paretn, they look much better then the old green and white. Lousy service though.

Troop 1309 said...

Living near a flight path is never fun. I grew up next to an air force base and our teachers would have to stop talking and wait as planes passed by. Some days it was quiet, others were horrible.

rc said...

Nice pulse to catch it without blur!!!

What camera did you use?

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Gerald England.

In most cases, clicking on the photograph will reveal a larger-sized image.


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