This is Hyde Daily Photo Volume 1 (2006-2011) which is now in archive mode. For recent photographs please visit Hyde Daily Photo Volume 2. Additional material and links to blogger friends can be found at Hyde DP Xtra.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Answer to last week's puzzle

Here is the answer to last week's puzzle.

As several astute people noted it was indeed a willow tree. The intertwining bits are in fact bindweed!

Small book prizes go to the winners who were more-or-less spot on ~~ Alice ~~ Ex-Shammickite ~~ Thiên

A small prize too to these runners up with close but not quite perfect answers ~~ Jilly ~~ エスタ ~~ Blueboat

Consolation prizes of a postcard go those with wrong but inventive or interesting answers ~~ Nathalie ~~ Isabella ~~ Kate ~~ Zsolt ~~ Irina ~~ Keropok Man ~~ Tara

Postcards too to ~~ Barb ~~ Pete ~~ The Salems [dead link removed] ~~ April [dead link removed] simply for stopping by.

Contact me privately with your snail-mail address.

The picture was taken before the arrival of the daffodils. Those have since died off and now the lawn is overrun with dandelions.

Here are some more willows on other CDPBs: Joensuu (with ants) ~~ Los Angeles (or is it?) ~~ Seattle ~~ Taunton (at the fair)

Next Sunday I plan to post a caption competition.


Kate said...

I won a postcard? Hoorah!!!

Janet said...

Guess I missed this contest.
Captions? Bring it on!

Jilly said...

Gosh, how exciting. Made my day! Thanks Gerald. Cute dog today.

Kala said...

I just noticed your competition and that looked like a lot of fun but i dont think i would have figured out what to say - it did look like a Jackson pollack artwork or something - that dog is cute by the way!

Anonymous said...

Willows can produce so different photos :)
Thank you for stopping by and linking my willow picture!

alice said...

I'm quite proud! I wish you a good Sunday, Gerald.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the fun, Gerald! And I just visited your other sites and really enjoyed seeing Craig's photos. Best wishes to you all and esp. Craig.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

I'm sorry i missed this; hope i catch the next one.

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Gerald England.

In most cases, clicking on the photograph will reveal a larger-sized image.


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