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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dead Slow: ABC Wax

This sign is outside the entrance to the group of textile factories whose roofs and chimneys featured in an earlier picture.

I'm not certain whether there are three separate factories on the site, or if they are all parts of the same company. CHA Textiles is a company based in Hong Kong which trades in the UK as A Brunnschweiler & Co. making textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of saris and sarongs.

According to the ABC Wax website, ABC Wax Prints, based on the Javanese batik print, were first produced here in 1908. The original factory was constructed in 1812 as a conventional textile printing factory. Some of the company's production now takes place in West Africa.

The entrance is off Commercial Street - check the position with this Google Map


Dsole said...

Now i'm seeing your 5 mph signal I remeber what I felt when i was driving by from Dublin to Belfast this last week... without notice all the traffic signs change and give the information about speed limits and distance in milles! It's hard!
why don't get universalized?

Good night!

Gerald (SK14) said...

that may come one day but can you imagine the huge cost of changing millions of signs? The UK is not the only country not using kilometres and still driving on the left.

Sally said...

Gerald - I haven't forgotten that postcard! Just trying to "personalise" it a little!

Jonathan Robinson said...

Hi love the pics- a great reminder of home while I work down in London.

Anonymous said...

An interesting photograph and commentary. I am thankful we are how we are as far as signage goes. I am too old to change.

I just posted a story about my wife's last radiation treatment, for breast cancer, and then our walk afterwards in Nature, and our encounter with President Bush's airplane.

Abraham Lincoln

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Gerald England.

In most cases, clicking on the photograph will reveal a larger-sized image.


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