This is Hyde Daily Photo Volume 1 (2006-2011) which is now in archive mode. For recent photographs please visit Hyde Daily Photo Volume 2. Additional material and links to blogger friends can be found at Hyde DP Xtra.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Roadworks and a new bollard

These roadworks at the junction of Union Street and Market Street have been going on for a while, but my attention was drawn to them recently by the new bright shiny yellow bollard that has appeared amongst the cones.


Tom said...

Thats a new one on me Gerald, it as got to be a first for Hyde. I got stuck in traffic they the other day, Hyde seems to be full of road works and building sites at the moment.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend in Hyde (im form Oz) was telling me the other day about the chaos in Hyde due to the road works...cheers for this photo i now understand his plight.

Unknown said...

I've never seen a bollard like that before. I will have to scour Nottingham to see if we have any. Hyde might have the first one of a new design for testing. You'll have to have a word with the workmen.

KAZ said...

Isn't *bollard* a lovely word?

Martin Stickland said...

The yellow bollards have to be put there now to cover EEC law 45637, paragrapgh G, section 4.25, line four 'If you have multi coloured bollards and signs then you must also put a yellow bollard sign there too so as to advise people that there are warning signs there of other colours and also a yellow sign must be put there so that you do not upset people that like the colour yellow and you go against their human rights not to have there 'bestus' colour on show to'

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Gerald England.

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